Chicken noodle soup... Who doesn't love it. Well actually a lot of people don't. I find that mildly amusing because it is Campbell's most popular soup sold here in America. If I were basing my opinion off a can of chicken noodle, I too would deny my love for it. We are in my kitchen though and in my opinion and the opinion of many others, the most important being my Husband, I make some dang good chicken noodle!! John doesn't know what he likes best, the broth, the chicken or the vegetables. I have swayed many peoples taste buds into realizing what it is really suppose to taste like. Although you can make this a clean broth soup I like to add a little comfort to mine. Yes I am going to say it CREAM OF CHICKEN. If you think those words are the devil stop reading now and go back into your dark hole in la la land, I don't need you here.
While I am letting my chicken cool I begin my mirepoix. Well except for the onion that I suggest you use though! Mine is just consisting of 2 cups celery, 2 cups carrots and I throw them in the boiling stock we had our chicken previously cooking in. If you use this broth its the most flavor you can get, well aside from a traditional stock in which I wasn't going to make for a wee little bowl of chicken noodle. Another blog post maybe.
This is a creamy soup stocked full of fresh crisp carrots, celery and chicken with every bite. One bowl is sure to satisfy and make you a true chicken noodle soup fan!
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