It is finally that time of the year when that heat in the breeze is finally letting up a bit and you can feel the approach of fall around the corner. It was a slight overcast and 72 degrees when I left work this evening and as usual the first thing I think of while starting the car is what's for dinner? I am one who is always ready for the next season before we are even half way through the one we are currently trying to get through. You could say I jump the gun with my seasonal menu planning even my holiday decorations. So while making the fifteen minute trip into town I immediately think roast. My Husband is a meat and potatoes man so this is always something I know he wont say no to. It also manipulates my want for cool evenings and fall foliage!
Once the pan is hot put the roast fat side down and sear for 3-5 minutes. Continue rotating the roast until all sides are browned.
While my meat is browning I add 1 qt of water to my pressure cooker along with a generous pinch of salt and pepper. I even add a little beef bouillon just to ensure I am not left with just a thin semi flavored broth. If i were making this for my family at this point I would even add a package of brown gravy mix and possibly a cream of mushroom, but my Husband likes what he calls a clean gravy. Just plain jane beef broth. So with my water and seasoning in the pan I cut up 2 russet potatoes. You can use fingerling potatoes, new baby potatoes any potato you want really just get them cut and in the water. I put the potatoes in first just to ensure that the heat from the bottom of the cooker does not cook my meat to fast with the direct heat. I also like cooking the potatoes with the meat because the cook time on these is just long enough to make them tender enough to mash and eat with the gravy. On those I lay my roast. Put on the lid, and mine has certain suggestions such as stew that I select and I have it cook for one and one half hour.
I got my pressure cooker cooking away I start my prep for the rest of the vegetables John and I enjoy in our stew. A head of cabbage, carrots and green beans. I would love a big wedge of onion with mine but I got a onion hater as my better half. I just quarter my head of cabbage, and once quartered I cut out the core. It is a lot safer than assuming you could just use a paring knife and cut it out.. I must say it is really not that easy! So even though you are loading a standard baking sheet with a head of cabbage, 1 cup of water, orange crunchy carrots and crisp green beans, you are not ready to put them in the oven. It is just prepping. If you put them in the oven now and pulled them when the roast was done you would have a bunch of mush! Honestly you can even wait to prep these right up until you need to put them in the oven. Thats your call. Just remember once you have the cabbage cut and in the pan that you salt and pepper them accordingly. The same with the carrots and green beans. You need to season with layers. Seasoning enough for one thing does not make its so for the others. Although this recipe is simple you do not want to skip on something easy like a sprinkle of S&P then be left with a flavorless dinner. Bake your veggies on 350 for about 30 minutes. When the time is up they will be perfectly tender and be ready to be topped with the potatoes, roast and not so gravy gravy.
I'm going to have to try this!
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