So really who doesn't love cookies. Chocolate chip to be exact. If you don't please do not leave a comment explaining why at the end of this blog. I am really not intreseted in hearing why and you probably aren't human anyways!
So cookies... Warm, sweet, chewy cookie with chunks of melted semi-sweet morsels surprising your every bite. I love them what can I say. My husband loves them too. Cookies are like pizza to me..... It's a cookie, there is no such thing as a bad cookie. In that I mean I like crunchy, gooey, chewy, buttery, or even raw cookies. I love them all!!
I was sitting in my living room after dinner and I was thinking it sure had been a long time since my last post. Granted I have had a very busy week and because of that in about two weeks you will be seeing a blog posted on a more regular basis!
Back to my story though, so I was sitting there after dinner... My wonderful, hard working Husband had been out on his second job on his second day back to work and I wanted to do something for him. He treats anything I cook/bake like its the best thing in the world. So not only does he get rewarded with fresh baked goodies when i am missing him, but he makes me feel like I am the most amazing baker/cook in the world. So it is very rewarding for me too. Yes I have to flaunt how amazing he is. They just don't make'em like that anymore. By the way if it weren't for that wonderful man I probably wouldn't be cooking today! He is my inspiration for all my recipes <3
On to my chewy (gooey if you eat it right out of the oven) chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
3/4 cup of granulated sugar
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup shortening
"It's so fluffy!" - Anges (Despicable Me)
Once light and fluffy add 1 tsp vanilla and 2 whole eggs and beat again!
You can now add your pre mixed flour mixture of
2 1/2 cup/275 g of Whole Wheat Flour ( It will give it a more tender crust) Feel free to us regular AP flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
to your wet ingredient.
Mix just until the flour begins to get wet then add 2 cups of semi sweet chips. Then mix just until the flour is mixed in.
I am not in anyways suggesting for you to eat raw eggs.
You know I like cookies... I have stated several times in this boring blog just how much I like cookies. But have I mentioned that I like them big too? Well I do, just like I like most things in life to be......
Once you pull them from the oven you can try to get one off with a spatula to eat right away or you can wait just until you have noticed the rise in the cookie has settled. That is when they are ready to be moved either to a cooling rack or to a napkin ready to eat.
I enjoy the finer things in life with a big glass of milk. You will definitely want something to drink after you finish the first cookie to make way for the 2nd cookie you will try to talk yourself out of but fail miserably at!
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